fake hermes birkin bag

Fashion fake bags has a recent post about Lucky Bags. I’ve never owed one, or really seen anything that caught my eye until my beloved Nancy Botwin on Weeds started carrying around a beautiful slouchy hobo Lucky Bag. So of course now I want this bag so I can be just like fake hermes birkin bag(minus the selling pot part…).

Before I even had a chance to post this entry I happened to pop into the Filene’s Basement on Sixth Ave and there was Nancy Botwin’s bag in a black and white patchwork pattern. It was love at first sight and I bought it for far less than the listed price. So far it is a great bag with my only complaint being that it only has one pocket in the inside. (I know I sound like a broken record on the pocket epi leather, but seriously why can’t designers get this right?) I love how slouchy this bag is, the metal hardware, how comfortable it is to carry and most off all the patwork pattern in different shades of black and grey.

Par ilouboutins le mardi 21 juin 2011


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